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AFO Solo Shorts: Submissions

All For One Theater is seeking extraordinary solo artists to create new short films of three minutes or less, geared toward a youth audience.

As we quickly approach a full year of being quarantined at home, kids and their caretakers are hungrier than ever for exciting content that entertains, stimulates, and educates. We’re looking for solo artists who are interested in taking on the challenge of creating new content that will appeal to people of all ages.

What do you have to say when you know children are listening, and how do you say it?


Projects will be developed and curated for showing by the AFO staff. We will select pieces that represent the breadth and scope of what solo work can be. AFO looks for projects that expand the form of solo performance, amplify underrepresented voices, and find the universal in the individual. AFO will work with the selected artists dramaturgically and creatively, and will assist as best we can in the artist's filming of the project.

  • AFO will only consider submissions of new solo pieces.

  • Pieces must be no longer than three minutes.

  • Projects may be in any stage of development: an idea, a sketch, a fully written script, etc.

  • Projects must not have appeared digitally anywhere else prior to submission.

Artists that are invited to participate will receive a $250 project stipend.  If you choose to collaborate with others on your project, compensating them will be up to the invited artist.

All work will be shared publicly on AFO's social media and will live on our website in perpetuity.  The work will be hosted exclusively by AFO for two months.

Submissions are due by 5:00pm EST on February 12, 2021. Artists will be notified by February 22, 2021.


To submit a project proposal, please fill out the form below.

*Any artist who had work accepted in the previous rounds of AFO Solo Shorts will not be eligible for this round.*

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