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“Belén para Belén” (“Belén for Belén”) economically aids the hardworking and humble townspeople of Belén Gualcho, Honduras. You can support the efforts of Doña Leyla and Belén para Belén by making a donation to through Zelle.


Leyla Leticia Fuentes Trejo was born in Belén Gualcho, Ocotepeque, Honduras, a town of hardworking and humble people. In her country, she’s a teacher and politician. 


Her parents, Digna Esperanza Trejo and Miguel Ángel Fuentes, descended from families who started with nothing and later found joy generating local employment opportunities to aid their neighbors. Doña Leyla’s parents were politicians, public servants, and outspoken defenders against injustices committed by corrupt government officials.  Doña Leyla’s father was assassinated during the 1980s.


In 1992, Doña Leyla graduated with a degree in primary education. In 2015, she completed a license in social sciences from Universidad Pedagógica Francisco Morazán. Although she’d taught for 22 years, she was blacklisted from employment by the National Party, the reigning and abusive political party, which she and her family opposed.


Although politically active since 15 years old, Doña Leyla didn’t formally participate in politics until 2016. That year, she was named a candidate for the Liberal Party, the National Party’s opposition. She participated in elections with the slogan “Por Honduras, Por Belén”


She spent a year in the municipality, managing development projects. She vocally opposed the National Party’s injustices at local and national levels. Towards the end of 2018, she received death threats from National Party members—forcing her to abandon her town, leave behind all belongings in her homeland, and immigrate to this country with her family.


Now Doña Leyla is here, still fighting. And always helping those in her hometown who need her. She’s part of a group called  “Belén para Belén” (“Belén for Belén”), which aids townspeople economically and gets them on their feet. 


Currently, in the United States, this Educator, Politician, and Revolutionary works as a House Maid with Regina’s Maids. Doña Leyla dreams of practicing her profession in this country and she will.  

WANT TO HELP Leyla and her family?

"If anyone has the means to help me achieve my dream of teaching in the US, I would be eternally grateful for your assistance. Also, I’d like to ask for help on behalf of two of my sons: one is looking for a job (he’s an electrician) and another has just finished high school with dreams to study at a community college. We’ve been limited by economic conditions—and also by access to a limited network of people who already have connections and contacts and who also have the will to lend us a helping hand or show us the ropes. Your help could help transform our realities as well as our futures."

- Doña Leyla Leticia Fuentes Trejo


La Reina Doña Leyla Leticia Fuentes Trejo and her family stand triumphant beside Diana Oh, June Oh, Cat Rodríguez, Joshua Ramos, and Sarah Shin (The Gift Project, April 2022)

If you have any leads for Doña Leyla and her family, please contact Cat Rodríguez at

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