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quarantine Content

With the spread of COVID-19, theaters may be closed, but theater artists are still creating.

We have gathered some of our favorite digital content from our AFO artists

for you to enjoy and to feed your artistic soul. 


Watch, enjoy, stay well, stay home, and wash your hands! And watch this space for updates.

Exquisite Corpse: Isolation

AFO Presents

Exquisite Corpse: Isolation


AFO gathered 10 of our amazing solo artists to create a new play

in the style of the Surrealist movement's Exquisite Corpse drawings.

Each artist contributed 1 minute of new original text based on the theme of isolation.

The participating artists were given a number 1-10. Artist 1 submitted a video of them performing their text, then AFO passed the last sentence of their text on to artist 2, who then created their own minute of text using the sentence they were given

as the first sentence of their text. This continued until we had all 10 videos, which were then edited together.

The featured artists, in order of appearance, are Michael Wolk, Lizzie Vieh, Gideon Irving, Aaron Mark, Sara Farrington,

Neil D'Astolfo, Richard Thieriot, Eliza Bent, Darian Dauchan, and Crystal Skillman.

SUZy Jane Hunt

On the Market is a new, short film by AFO 2020 SoCo Artist Suzy Jane Hunt takes a poignant look at how one woman is coping with the current moment we are all in. 

Brad Barr

Magic Square Darth Vader Fail 05
Play Video

Brad Barr is a musician and member of the bands The Barr Brothers and The Slip. As one of our 2020 SoCo Artists, he created this beautiful solo piece for us. 

We hope you enjoy his new song!

Iyaba Ibo Mandingo

Iyaba Ibo Mandingo is the writer and performer of unFRAMED, which was part of our 2011 festival, as well as one of our touring shows.


Watch his new, powerful piece, People of The Sun Collective Tribute to The Ancestors.

Neil D'Astolfo

Meet Derek Tyler Taylor - the current, reigning and ONLY MISTER Miss Salem!


He is the star of our upcoming show MISTER MISS AMERICA and he has some tips and tricks to share with y’all to help keep y’all happy, healthy and looking great while social distancing!

Written and performed by Neil D'Astolfo.

Aaron Mark

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You can now listen to Squeamish by Aaron Mark starring Alison Fraser. 


Squeamish was our 2017 production, premiering Off-Broadway at Theatre Row.

The audio version, recorded in 2018, is now available for free streaming at

Shelley Wollert

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Meet Elska!

Created and performed by Shelley Wollert, Elska goes on adventures across her island in the Arctic.

Dance and sing along with her and her friends.

Perfect for a house with bored little ones!

Gideon Irving

AFO alum Gideon Irving's WOKE UP LOOKING

was included on Rolling Stone's Top 25 Music Videos of 2019 list.


Check it out for yourself!

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Listen to more of Gideon's music on his website!

There are 3 albums' worth of content that should keep your ears happy for hours.

Kareem M. Lucas

Get at taste of the poetry of AFO Artist In Residence, Kareem M. Lucas. 

Lizzie Vieh


Looking for things to watch, read, or listen to while you're staying home? 

Follow Monsoon Season writer Lizzie Vieh's Instagram account, WhatLizzieConsumes. 


Lizzie posts about movies, TV shows, books and podcasts she discovers and enjoys. 

Follow along to find new things to consume.

Darian Dauchan

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Darian Dauchan is re-releasing his Brobot series, a zany Sci Fi Hip Hop/Silent Film, on IGTV.


Check his Instagram for updates.


Let's go Brobot!

Leslie Jordan

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Leslie Jordan, whose solo show was part of AFO's Solo Festival in 2012, is making the online content we all need!


Check out his Instagram for delightful stories and his hilarious thoughts and feelings on quarantine life.

AFO REcommends

We are now in an unexpected Golden Age of Solo Performance as — against the drone of disaster updates — new and rejuvenated artists are discovering their own vibrant voices.


Now, solo artists are suddenly empowered to stream performances live to audiences all over the country, all over the world — and reach us with the one-on-one intimacy that fuels the finest solo work, in our own homes.


Live theater is not dead — it has just moved to our living rooms, and brought fresh appreciation of the range, depth, and durability of solo work — a form uniquely suited to transcend social distance. 


AFO announces AFO RECOMMENDS: a series of AFO Staff Picks highlighting must-see or especially intriguing solo performances — some live streamed, some pre-recorded, some available for a limited window, some free and some ticketed. 

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We hope AFO RECOMMENDS will serve as your guide to solo work that informs, inspires, moves and matters. 

Visit our Instagram or Facebook pages to find links to all the AFO Staff Picks.

If there is a solo theater piece you think we should know about, email us at



The  Actors  Fund

The Actors Fund is offers emergency assistance nationally to everyone who works in performing arts and entertainment. 


Indie Theater  Fund

The Indie Theater Fund is launching this fundraising campaign to provide direct support and emergency relief to independent theaters and artists in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.


The Drama League

The Drama League has created a curated list of resources to help artists affected by COVID-19.


A.R.T./New York

A.R.T./New York is compiling resources for theatre companies, independent producers, freelance artists, and the general public in light of the spread of COVID-19 in New York City.


Playwrights Horizons

Playwrights Horizons has compiled a list of job opportunities, unemployment help, emergency fund/grant information and more. 

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