Those Who Can’t Do...
AFO Fest
Written and Performed by Erin Fleck
Directed by Shari Hollett
November 2013
Shame. That’s what haunts high school teacher, Lillian Campbell. Both her own and that of her students. Lillian finds herself in the middle of a high school sex scandal involving her grade nine girls and the majority of the senior hockey team. In order to battle the humiliation and sexual shame forced upon the girls, she must first battle her own. Reliant on only a simple set, minimal props and one actor, the play explores not only the voice of Lillian herself at various stages of her own sexual development, but the voices of school staff, parents in the community and the students affected by the scandal.

“Erin Fleck’s play, THOSE WHO CAN’T DO… is brave, sobering and important. Every teacher, parent and teenager should see it.”
The Slotkin Letter
“Fleck does a wonderful job of presenting all sides of the argument, she creates real characters who have
real problems and she let’s them have their say.”
Mooney on Theatre
“THOSE WHO CAN’T DO… is absolutely of the moment and does precisely what
theatre should do – get the conversation started.”
Now Magazine
ERIN FLECK (Writer/Performer) is a graduate of York University’s Theatre program in Toronto as a member of the Creative Ensemble, with a focus in collective creation, performance and playwriting. Erin has written and performed her original work in Victoria B.C. with Intrepid Theatre’s UNO Fest, in Toronto with Theatre Passe Muraille (Those Who Can’t Do…), Mixed Company Theatre (Plastico: The Green Show), Theatre Passe Muraille’s BUZZ Festival, Buddies in Bad Times Theatre’s HYSTERIA Festival (Tinker, Those Who Can’t Do…), the Toronto FRINGE! Festival (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Abortion), Tarragon Spring Arts Fair (Connect Four) and York University’s playGround Festival (don’t forget your umbrella). As a playwright, Erin is an alumnae of Factory Theatre’s Natural Resources, Theatre Passe Muraille’s Upstarts, TheatreKairos’ Writer’s Circle and Nightwood Theatre’s Write from the Hip program. As a performer, Erin has worked with Steady State Theatre Project (Double Double, Outstanding Production/Ensemble/NOW Magazine Critic’s Pick Toronto Fringe Festival 2010; I Will Not Hatch, Outstanding Ensemble Toronto Fringe Festival 2009, Edmonton Fringe 2012), draft89 (John Yoko Bed Piece), V-Day Toronto (The Vagina Monologues), Atomic Vaudeville (Toronto Cabaret), Shrimp Magnet Theatre (Man in the Moon), and Clay and Paper Theatre (The Space Between). As a puppeteer, Erin is a company member of Dutch Uncle Puppetry, whose work has been seen at After Hours@TPM (Gregori’s Phantastik Big Time Show) Canzine 2010, Theatre Passe Muraille’s BUZZ Festival, the Summerworks Festival Fiasco Playhouse performance gallery and Factory Theatre’s LabCab Festival.
SHARI HOLLETT (Director/Dramaturg) Most recently Shari directed the premieres of Kate Lynch’s Early August at the Blyth Festival, Erin Fleck’s Those Who Can’t Do... at Theatre Passe Muraille and was associate director/dramaturge on Liza Balkan’s Out the Window. She is a Toronto-based actor, dramaturge, director, writer, and teacher, as well as co-artistic director of the night kitchen theatre company with Chris Earle, with whom she co-wrote Expectation and Big Head Goes To Bed. As an actor, Shari has appeared in her own work, as well as Video Cabaret’s City For Sale, Chris Earle’s Russell Hill and The Proceedings, The Martha Stewart Projects, White Trash Blue Eyes, Getting Ready, I’d never Give An Acrylic Scarf to a Man I Love, the improvisational Soap Opera Wedge Of Night. For The Second City London she did 5 revues as a writer/performer. Selected T.V appearances include Stir of Echoes 2 ,The West Wing, Wild Card, Guilt by Association, Walter and Henry, Blue Murder, The Dan Jansen Story and SCTV. Stage directing credits include The Dysfunctional Holiday Revue, Michigan Impossible (Second City Detroit), If it’s Tuesday this must be Belleville (Second City National Touring Company) and seven original revues for the second City Conservatory Program. Shari has specialized in dramaturging and directing original works including Sean Reycraft’s critically acclaimed One Good Marriage, Earle’s award-winning plays Radio:30 and Democrats Abroad in both Toronto and New York, Jonathan Wilson’s That Gay Guy, Chris Leavin’s Poster Child, Deb Filler’s Filler Up and Jennifer Fawcett’s The Hurricane Project. She has also directed 5 shows for Canadore College’s Rep 21 theatre program including The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, The Altruists, Popcorn and You are Here. Shari also teaches for The Second City Conservatory Program, Canadore College, Etobicoke School of the Arto Cs, Cawthra School for the Arts and private classes at Fraser Studios. Upcoming Shari will be directing a Canadian tour of Radio:30, a new play by Jennifer Goodhue and Allana Harkin’s Real Estate for The Sudbury Theatre Centre.